
I wish I could say that this will take on some sort of coherent theme or style, but I know it won't. It will likely consist of whatever's in my head at the moment, which is subject to change at the speed of sound...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

New Lyrics

You’ll Love It There
(don’t have music finished for it yet…but think along the lines of “Do It For Me Now” by Angels & Airwaves….that’s the vibe of it)

Dice it up
Slash it down
Rip it up
Burn it down

Take it off
Leave it bare
Don’t dress it up
Don’t even dare

Just leave it…leave it there
Flyin’ free
That’s how we’re meant to be

Get to the core
The essence of it all
Yup that’s right
You didn’t even know it was there

Its pure
Its good
Don’t even try
To make it better, make it better, make it better, make it better

Just leave it…leave it there
Flyin’ Free
That’s how we’re meant to be

Dance it off
Laugh it up
Let it flow
To the ends of your hair

Reach down deep
Deeper than ever before
Never come back up
You’ll love it there, love it there, love it there, love it there

Your deep blue sea
Is crying out to be
Flyin’ Free


You speak, I can’t respond
The words get stuck down in my throat
The tears start, but never come
You wait patiently, but in your own hell
You wait, and wait

I wish I could, I wish I could,
But I can’t
I can’t
I can’t

The fear builds up, because I just can’t
The walls come up, and won’t come down
I’m in my bubble, you in yours
I need a needle now
Someone give me a needle

You want it so, you need it now
Could it be, but tell me how
Hesitation, contemplation
Is death to us now

Forgive me please
This isn’t how it should be
I wish I could make you understand
But life doesn’t work like that

It’s not that I won’t
It’s that I don’t know how
I just can’t

I wish I could, I wish I could
But I just can’t
I can’t
I can’t

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Things That Have Surprised Me Recently

by Paul Oakenfold

There's nothing like a little surprise here and there in life, to make things interesting. I've had a couple of surprises lately, thought I'd go ahead and share them.
1. Now, to be clear, I am NOT a Dr. Phil fan in any way, shape, or form. However, I recently picked up this magazine, and I noticed an article written by his wife, Robin McGraw. I normally wouldn't read an article like this by someone like her, to be honest, but I was, uhmm, how shall I say this and still preserve my dignity? well, lets just say I needed something to occupy my mind for several minutes. (sorry!) It was an excerpt from her book, "Inside My Heart", and it really surprised me in that she actually had some decent and interesting things to say. It was actually sort of funny too, in the examples she used. Basically, the point of the book can be summed up in the following paragraph. Now, at first glance it may sound like a bunch of Dr Phil B.S., but the way she wrote it, it seemed genuine and insightful.
"There will always be people who tell you who you should be and what you should do, but no one can tell you how to live your life because there is no one quite like you. Look inside yourself with open eyes and see who's really in there- not your mother or your father, not your husband or your children, but you. Go deep, really deep, until you find the essential person inside, the person God created. [actually she said woman, but I am taking the liberty to change it to person. this is good wisdom for all.] See yourself, embrace yourself, and honor yourself by insisting on your right to choose the life you are meant to live." Amen, sister!

2. My next surprise was that I surprised myself. I had my first "quiz" in piano class on Wednesday, and I was pretty nervous about it, as it was the first time I really had to play for someone other than myself. I practiced a decent amount of time, and knew the very elementary book music somewhat well. When I got to class, I was caught off guard because my teacher decided to give us all 2 entirely new pieces of music we had never seen before, to be played with both hands at the same time (gasp!something we hadn't done yet, at all) and asked us to pick one, practice it for 5 minutes, and then she'd go around the room to hear us play it. Ok, instant panic. But, I was actually able to read the music and play it! I couldn't really believe it. I guess sometimes we don't know what we're capable of until we just do it.

3. My sister is responsible for this one. She called me on Thursday, and after I picked up the phone and said hello, she just said, "I love you, Paula!". No reason for it, nothing prompting her to say it. It felt really good to hear it. I told her I loved her too, and then we proceeded to have our usual conversations about whatever. What a nice surprise.

4. Came down to the kitchen this morning, looked out my window, and found that our metal birdfeeder had been attacked, presumably by some starving squirrels. Some type of determined animal found a way to pop out the bottom of the feeder, extract the large block of waxy birdseed, and haul it away. Well, I don't mind as long as someone who really needs it got it.

5. I surprised myself in yet another way. I actually went to order my business cards. I have decided to open a spa out of my home, offering waxing and facial services, called....what else?...poetic waxing. Finally going to do it!

Hope you've had some nice surprises in your life recently. If not, go out and make some happen! :) :)